Class License

  • public class License
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • License

        public License​(LicenseStatus status,
                       String licenseKey,
                       ArrayList<String> groups,
                       ArrayList<String> permissions,
                       ArrayList<LicenseMeta> meta,
                       int maxUses,
                       int currentUses,
                       Date expirationDate)
        Creates a new license object with the given parameters
        status - The status of the license
        licenseKey - The license key
        groups - The groups of the license
        permissions - The permissions of the license
        meta - The meta information of the license
        maxUses - The maximum amount of uses of the license
        currentUses - The current amount of uses of the license
        expirationDate - The expiration date of the license
    • Method Detail

      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Checks if the license is valid
        true if the license is valid and false if not
      • isExpired

        public boolean isExpired()
        Checks if the license has expired
        true if the license has expired and false if not
      • isMaxUsesReached

        public boolean isMaxUsesReached()
        Checks if the license has reached the maximum amount of uses (if the maximum amount of uses is set)
        true if the license has reached the maximum amount of uses and false if not
      • getLicenseKey

        public String getLicenseKey()
        Gets the current license key. If the license key is invalid, this method will return null
        the current license key
      • getGroups

        public ArrayList<String> getGroups()
        Gets all groups of the license
        all groups of the license
      • hasGroup

        public boolean hasGroup​(String group)
        Checks if the license has a specific group
        group - The group you want to check
        true if the license has the group and false if not
      • getPermissions

        public ArrayList<String> getPermissions()
        Gets all permissions of the license
        all permissions of the license
      • hasPermission

        public boolean hasPermission​(String permission)
        Checks if the license has a specific permission
        permission - The permission you want to check
        true if the license has the permission and false if not
      • getMeta

        public ArrayList<LicenseMeta> getMeta()
        Gets all meta information of the license
        all meta information of the license
      • getMeta

        public String getMeta​(String key)
        Gets a specific meta information of the license. If the meta information does not exist, this method will return null
        key - The key of the meta information you want to get
        the value of the meta information
      • getMaxUses

        public int getMaxUses()
        Gets the maximum amount of uses of the license. If the maximum amount of uses is not set, this method will return -1
        the maximum amount of uses of the license
      • getCurrentUses

        public int getCurrentUses()
        Gets the current amount of uses of the license
        the current amount of uses of the license
      • getExpirationDate

        public Date getExpirationDate()
        Gets the expiration date of the license. If the license has no expiration date, this method will return null
        the expiration date of the license