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de.licenseapi - package de.licenseapi
de.licenseapi.entities - package de.licenseapi.entities


EXPIRED - de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseStatus
The provided license key is valid, but the license is expired.


getAsBoolean() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseMeta
Gets the value of the meta information as Boolean
getAsDouble() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseMeta
Gets the value of the meta information as Double
getAsInteger() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseMeta
Gets the value of the meta information as Integer
getCurrentUses() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets the current amount of uses of the license
getExpirationDate() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets the expiration date of the license.
getGroups() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets all groups of the license
getKey() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseMeta
Gets the key of the meta information
getLicenseKey() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets the current license key.
getMaxUses() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets the maximum amount of uses of the license.
getMeta() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets all meta information of the license
getMeta(String) - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets a specific meta information of the license.
getPermissions() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets all permissions of the license
getRetries() - Method in class de.licenseapi.LicenseValidator
Gets the current amount of retries.
getStatus() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Gets the status of the license
getValidationKey() - Method in class de.licenseapi.LicenseValidator
Gets the current validation key
getValue() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseMeta
Gets the value of the meta information


hasGroup(String) - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Checks if the license has a specific group
hasPermission(String) - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Checks if the license has a specific permission


INVALID - de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseStatus
The provided license key is not valid.
isExpired() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Checks if the license has expired
isMaxUsesReached() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Checks if the license has reached the maximum amount of uses (if the maximum amount of uses is set)
isValid() - Method in class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Checks if the license is valid


License - Class in de.licenseapi.entities
License(LicenseStatus, String, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<LicenseMeta>, int, int, Date) - Constructor for class de.licenseapi.entities.License
Creates a new license object with the given parameters
LicenseMeta - Class in de.licenseapi.entities
LicenseMeta(String, String) - Constructor for class de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseMeta
Constructor of the LicenseMeta class.
LicenseStatus - Enum in de.licenseapi.entities
LicenseValidator - Class in de.licenseapi
LicenseValidator(String) - Constructor for class de.licenseapi.LicenseValidator
Creates a new LicenseValidator with the given validation key.


MAX_USES_REACHED - de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseStatus
The provided license key has reached the maximum amount of uses.


retrieveLicense(String) - Method in class de.licenseapi.LicenseValidator
Retrieves the license from the license key.


setRetries(int) - Method in class de.licenseapi.LicenseValidator
Gets the current amount of retries.


VALID - de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseStatus
The provided license key is valid and can be used.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.licenseapi.entities.LicenseStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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